Nigerian radio host and presenter Ifedayo Olarinde popularly called Daddy Freeze says 99% of what our Pastors and GOs taught us is false.
According to him, the word ‘Jesus’ has no meaning and was invented by manipulators.
Read his post below:-

99% of what your Pastors and GOs taught you is false! – How can his name be ‘Jesus’ when the letter ‘j’ was not part of the English language until 1634? Here is a copy of the original translation of the King James Bible completed in 1611. – How can his name be Jesus when the Hebrew alphabet doesn’t have a ‘j’ sounding letter? – The name ‘Jesus’ is less that 400 years old, how can it aptly depict a savior that resurrected 2,018 years ago? – Yeshua is Hebrew remember? So why does he have a Latin name? ◄ Hebrews 7:14 ► New International Version For it is clear that our Lord descended from Judah, ◄ John 4:22 ► New International Version You Samaritans worship what you do not know; we worship what we do know, for salvation is from the Jews. – If salvation is from the Jews, why do we have a Latin Jesus, but obey the law of moses and pay tithe like the Jews?🙄 – The names ‘Joshua’ and ‘Jesus’ are exactly the same word in Hebrew and Greek, the Bible’s first languages, the names were separated in Latin…. why? – Be careful of what name you call… The name ‘Jesus’ was invented, Yahweh had a son called Yeshua, which means salvation! the name Jesus has no meaning, it’s an invention! – Yeshua is our Saviour, while ‘Jesus’ was invented by manipulators, who aligned his birthday with Nimrod’s and the pagan ‘solstice of the sun’. – Yeshua said you can only worship him in truth and in spirit (John4), if you don’t know the truth, you end up worshiping a pagan invention. ~FRZ – #FreeTheSheeple
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