A girl has been declared missing after she left her home in Oniru to go to her school in Ikoyi.
Victoria left home on May 1, 2019, to go to Holy Child College, Ikoyi. She had on a shirt, a pair of jeans, and a backpack. Sadly, she hasn’t been seen since she left home two weeks ago.
Her family are begging for help in finding her and have issued a missing person report.
Sharing the news to Instagram, actress Ireti Doyle wrote:
She’s about 6ft tall. She left her home in Oniru and headed for her school, Holy Child College Ikoyi about 2 weeks ago, precisely on May 1, 2019, in Jean’s and shirt with a backpack.
She has not been seen since then. Anybody with any information on her should please contact the nearest police station.
Kindly help to circulate this widely.
This message is said to come directly from Victoria’s father’s friend, Bisi Arije’s Chevening WhatsApp group.
Please help circulate to increase the chances of her being found.
God bless you as you transmit it.
Our prayer is that she returns to her parents safe and unhurt. Her father can be reached on this number – 08033489028.
Thank you.