“Proven Innocent” tells the emotional story of one woman’s fight to prove the innocence of wrongfully convicted people. The legal drama follows an underdog criminal defense firm led by a fierce and uncompromising lawyer, Madeline Scott, who was wrongfully convicted in a sensational murder case that made her an infamous media obsession. Madeline runs the legal firm with her partner, Easy Boudreau, the very lawyer who helped set her free after 10 years in prison. Their team also includes investigator Bodie Quick and communications director Violet Price, who runs a true crime podcast that follows each investigation.

Download Proven Innocent series

“”Season One””
Download Episode 01:   720p x265 | 480p version
Download Episode 02:   720p x265 | 480p version
Download Episode 03:  720p x265 | 480p version
Download Episode 04:  720p x265 | 480p version
Download Episode 05:  720p x265 | 480p version
Download Episode 06:  720p x265 | 480p version
Download Episode 07:  720p x265 | 480p version
Download Episode 08:  720p x265 | 480p version
Download Episode 09:  720p x265 | 480p version
Download Episode 10:  720p x265 | 480p version
Download Episode 11:  720p x265 | 480p version
Download Episode 12:  720p x265 | 480p version