Justin Bieber has struggled with anxiety for years, and is sharing some tips on how to deal with a debilitating anxiety attack. JB went on Instagram Sunday morning and revealed the tips, which he says were sent over by his Grandma.
The message reads:
"Tips to Help With An Anxiety Attack"
It instructs to, "Look around you," and "Find five things you can see, four things you can touch, three things you can hear, two things you can smell, and one thing you can taste."
Many of Bieber's friends commented on the post and left messages of love, as they are well aware of the star's personal struggles with anxiety.
The announcement explains, "this is called grounding. It can help when you feel like you have lost all control of your surroundings."
Justin showed how personal the issue has been, and told fans, "My gramma just shared this with me. Share if this helps u."
The singer is no stranger to anxiety and panic issues, he cancelled his "Purpose" tour in 2017 after mentally falling apart due to the demanding schedule.
Bieber regularly sends out messages to his fans dealing with issues that many face, but may not want to talk about.
One of the things Bieber has credited in dealing with his own issues was diving back into religion.
In May, he explained to fans how he uses God to help stay on the right path.
Justin wrote,
"Don’t stop fighting the battle has already won.. fight for what you love and who you love don’t let fear and anxiety win..god has not given us a spirit of fear but of power love and of a sound mind! I haven't believed the truth about myself I haven’t believed I am loved I haven’t believed I am forgiven it’s a hard thing for me to wrap my head around. I hang my head in shame and I wallow in sadness about the the people who have betrayed me. Jesus has given me freedom and the pursuit of getting to know his character is never ending. Gods character never changes he is the same yesterday now and forever. He is always good!. I won’t be afraid to be vulnerable before him.. his power is made strong in our weakness. God isn’t afraid of your pain and your brokenness he actually welcomes it. Come to me all who are weary and burdened and I will give you rest! these are words from Jesus! There is hope and it’s in him.!! He loves and cares for you! For god so loved the world that he gave his only son so that whoever believes him wont die but have eternal life! You are that whoever and he accepts you as you are!! He loves and forgives you and welcomes you into his arms every time you mess He is a perfect and loving god who adores you!"