The Inspired Kid "Lil Tush" has talked about happenings in the Industry, he also revealed why so many people do music, according to what he said, so many people do music cause they think it's an easy road to Money, fame & Women. He also talked about the challenges you will face while doing music.
He said;
“A lot of people do music cox they think it's an easy road to money, fame and women all That... The sleepless nights, the non stop hardwork, the industry bullshit you have to deal with, the industry vultures that try to trap and control you. The many weeks and months you have to be away from your family whom you love so much. The back to back longs ass trips from one city to another... These things do not make it to blogs or media.. Not saying anyone shouldn't chase their dreams of doing music but know the consequences... And for people that want to date / be in a relationship with anyone doing music make sure you understand what comes with it
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